Moving Towards Environmental
Sustainability Throught Smart
Livestock System
Livestock is a sub-sector that has a strategic role in economic life and the development of Indonesia’s human resources. The strategic role can be seen from the function of livestock products as a provider of animal protein which is important for the growth and development of the human body. Demand for livestock products now and in the future tends to increase. This is due to the increasing public understanding of the consumption of animal protein from livestock. One potential source of protein to be developed is from local livestock. Local livestock will improve the welfare of farmers when professionally developed. The need for an international seminar with the theme ” Moving Towards Environmental Sustainability Through Smart Livestock System” will have an impact on increasing understanding of the importance of Indonesian local livestock to be introduced internationally as the Indonesian nation’s wealth that is not inferior to livestock in general…
Topic : “Moving Towards Environmental Sustainability Throught Smart Livestock System”
Selected papers will be published in reputable journals and international conference proceeding series..
March, 31 2023
March, 31 2023
April, 30 2023
April, 30 2023
May, 3 2023
Dear colleagues, on behalf of the Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, we welcome everyone to participate in the ICAST 2023
Chancellor of Hasanuddin University
Dean of Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University
Participant : IDR 300.000
Student : IDR 200.000
Late Registration : IDR 500.000
Handling Paper : IDR 500.000
Proceeding Indexed By Scopus : IDR 2.500.000
International Journal (Scopus Q3/Q4 = at cost)